Definition of error function ERF function Returns the error function integrated from lower_limit to upper_limit. ERF(lower_limit, [upper_limit]) The ERF function syntax takes the following arguments. ◾ lower_limit Required. The lower bound of the ERF integral. ◾ upper_limit Optional. The upper bound of the ERF integral. If omitted, integrate from 0 to lower_limit. ERFC function ERFC(lower_limit)..
How to export Smath studio to XLSX matrix M is here. i want to export to XLSX. folder name is D:\dev\smath\ The path of the folder is "D:\dev\smath\" filename is mydatafile.xlsx exportData.XLSX(M,"D:\dev\smath\mydatafile.xlsx") = https://youtu.be/RqdrojGyp6o 2023.03.08 - [SMath] - 엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 1. XLSXImport/Export plugin을 설치한다. 2. 불러올 엑셀파일과 SM..
엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 1. XLSXImport/Export plugin을 설치한다. 1. Install XLSXIMPORT/Export Plugin. 2. 불러올 엑셀파일과 SM file은 동일한 폴더에 있어야 한다. 2. Excel files and SM files that will be loaded must be in the same folder. 3. 사용법은 다음과 같다. 3. How to use is as follows. https://youtu.be/Klf6Jn9XG-w 2023.03.09 - [SMath] - How to export Smath studio to XLSX How to export Smath studio to XLSX How to export Smath stu..
Truss Joint Method_Matrix 엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 1. XLSXImport/Export plugin을 설치한다. Directory of Excel file to import MyDirectory:DocumentDirectory("")="D:\dev\smath\" Name of Excel file MyFile:concat(MyDirectory,"Truss\005F\joint\005F\Matrix\002E\xlsx") To import: Sheet name, Start cell, End cell M:importData.XLSX(MyFile,"Sheet1","E20","T35") 2023.03.08 - [SMath] - 엑셀데이터를 SMath로 불러오는 방법 엑셀데이터를 S..