Introduction to the use of SMath Studio Prepared by Gilberto E. Urroz, May 2010 p44. Operations with matrices Extracting rows, columns, elements: col, el, row, submatrix, vminor, minor col("1:matrix", "2:number") - Returns the specified column "2:number" of the matrix/vector "1:matrix". el"1:vector", "2:number") - Returns the specified column "2:number" of the vector "1:vector". row("1:matrix", ..
Introduction to the use of SMath Studio Prepared by Gilberto E. Urroz, May 2010 p44. Operations with matrices Creating matrices: augment, diag, identity, mat, matrix, stack augment("number") - returns a matrix formed by placing the arguments left to right, Arguments are matrices/vectors having the same number of rows, or they are scalars and row matrices. - 인수를 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 배치하여 형성된 행렬을 반환합니다. 인수는..
Matrices (1) Matrix 3x3 (Ctrl+M) (mat) (2) Determinant (det) (3) Matrix transpose (Ctrl+1) (transpose) (4) Algebraic addition to matrix (alg) (5) Minor (minor) (6) Cross product (Ctrl+8) (7) Vectorize function (8) Range (9) Range with second value (10) Vector Element ( [ ) (11) Matrix Element
Introduction to the use of SMath Studio Prepared by Gilberto E. Urroz, May 2010 p38. Functions defined by calculus operations Solving single equations with solve solve(equation, variable) or solve(equation, variable, lower limit, upper limit)