Error Messages 1. Un closed parenthesis n encountering ; or $ Refusing to send cell to maxima: Un-closed parenthesis on encountering ; or $ 2. incorrect syntax illegal use of delimiter(구분 기호 잘못 사용) tan is not an infix operator (tan은 접두사 연산자가 아닙니다.) sin(x)와 tan(x)사이에는 연산자가 있어야 한다.
Title, section and subsection cells can be folded to hide their contents. To fold or unfold, click in the square next to the cell. If you shift-click, all sublevels of that cell will also fold/unfold. 제목, 섹션 및 하위 섹션 셀을 접어서 내용을 숨길 수 있습니다. 접거나 펼치려면 셀 옆의 사각형을 클릭합니다. Shift+클릭하면 해당 셀의 모든 하위 수준도 접히거나 펼쳐집니다.
Simplify Simplify Expression : ratsimp() ratsimp = rational simplification Simplify Radicals : radcan() Factor Expression : factor() Factor Complex : gfactor() Expand Expression : expand() Contract Logarithms : logcontract() Factorials and Gamma Convert to factorials : makefact() Convert to Gamma : makegamma() Simplify Factorials : minfactorial() Combine Factorials : factcomb() Trigonometric Sim..
If you type an operator (one of +*/^=,) as the first symbol in an input cell, % will be automatically inserted before the operator, as on a graphing calculator. You can disable this feature from the 'Edit->Configure' dialog. 입력 셀의 첫 번째 기호로 연산자(+*/^=, 중 하나)를 입력하면 그래프 계산기에서와 같이 연산자 앞에 %가 자동으로 삽입됩니다. 이 기능은 'Edit->Configure' 대화 상자에서 비활성화할 수 있습니다. wxMaxima configuration Worksheet / Interaction Insert..
Maxima supports three types of numbers: exact fractions (which can be generated for example by typing 1/10), IEEE floating-point numbers (0.2) and arbitrary precision big floats (1b-1). Note that, owing to their nature as binary (not decimal) numbers, there is for example no way to generate an IEEE floating-point number that exactly equals 0.1. If floating-point numbers are used instead of fract..
The wxMaxima interface is basically a wxMaxima file. To save it, you use the menu option "File > Save As ..." and give it a name, say, File01. The resulting sufix is .wxmx The information saved includes all text cells entered (including Title, Section, etc.), and input commands, as well as outputs. However, the specifications (%i1), (%01), etc., will not be available. To re-evaluate input cells,..