티스토리 뷰



skyground21 2023. 2. 21. 09:24

GettingStarted.sm파일을 다운받아 여는데 다음과 같은 오류창이 뜬다.
Canot find maxima.bat
Canot find maxima.bat. Do you want to enter a start search path now?
일단 yes를 클릭하긴 했는데.

뭔가 작동이 잘 안되는 것 같다.

Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA

Download Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA for free. Computer Algebra System written in Common Lisp. Maxima is a computer algebra system comparable to commercial systems like Mathematica and Maple. It emphasizes symbolic mathematical computation: alge


ChatGPT의 답변

To set the Maxima.bat in SMath, you can follow these steps:
1. Download and install Maxima on your computer. You can download Maxima from the official website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/maxima/files/Maxima-Windows/.

2. Open SMath and click on the "Options" button on the toolbar.

3. In the "Options" dialog box, click on the "CAS" tab.

4. In the "CAS" tab, select "Maxima" from the "CAS Engine" dropdown menu.

5. Click on the "Browse" button next to the "Maxima executable" field.

6. Navigate to the folder where you installed Maxima and select the "maxima.bat" file.

7. Click "OK" to save the changes.

After following these steps, SMath should be configured to use Maxima as its CAS engine.

해결방법은 다음과 같다.
solution is here.
2023.02.24 - [SMath] - Maxima 설치하기[SMath]

Maxima 설치하기[SMath]

Maxima 설치하기 1. 설치 프로그램 다운로드 https://maxima.sourceforge.io/download.html Maxima – Downloads Downloads Files to install Maxima can be downloaded from the Files section in the Sourceforge repository. That section contains links t




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